Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to book fortnightly collections?

Head over to the “book services” page and find “fortnightly collections”.

Fill out the details and the payment information. It is important you fill out the last council collection date correctly so we can line up your collections for you.

It is as simple as that and we will collect for you the next time the council don’t and your payments will come out every two weeks in line with your collections!

What are your fortnightly black bin collections?

Our fortnightly black bin collection is a service which offers regular black bin collections that coincide with your current council collections schedule. With our collections and the council collections your black bin will be collected every week.

What can I put in my bin for collections?

We can take most things, the things we can not take are bricks, stone or other similar building material. We are also unable to take mud, earth or anything similar. Please note if the bin is too heavy for or loaders to physically move we will ask that some waste is removed or may be unable to collect.

Should I put my bin out on the pavement?

The bin doesn’t have to be out on the pavement. We just ask that the bin is accessible for our loaders. However it is great if you can put your bin out as it helps us make sure the correct bin is taken and that there is no mix up’s!

Will you supply me with an extra bin?

If you choose a bin rental service then yes we will provide you with a bin. However if you select ‘fortnightly’ or ‘one off’ bin collections then we use the black bin you already have at home. You fill as you usually would and we empty your waste from that bin.

What do I do if my collection is missed?

If you believe your collection has been missed always get in touch! We suggest waiting till 5pm as collections can be up to that time each day. Routes may be altered each day/week so collections may not always be the same time of day. But if it is past 5pm do send us a message or give us a call and we will do our best to get any issues resolved for you as quickly as possible.

What happens if I do not pay my bill or miss payments?

If we do not receive payments your collections and account will be suspended. If you then pay your bill up to date be sure to let us know via message or call so we can make sure your collections are restarted for you! You can get in contact to find out how much is outstanding on your account.

How do I arrange collections of my flexible rental?

When you have filled your rented bin send us a message or give us a call and we can book in a collection for you asap. If you know your fill schedule you can get in touch to pre book your collections.